My Baby Needs Paint Clothes

We just bought our first home, and now we are working to make it our own!

11 May 2005

Speeding Tickets, Dresses, and More...

So I went to Nebraska to contest my speeding ticket today. Turns out that, unlike Manhattan, they don't actually let you have a trial on the day of your first court appearance, they make you come back at some later date. So...I have to go back in June.

After court, I went shopping while Mom napped in the car. I got the cutest dress - I really really like it - to wear to graduation. I'm also planning to wear it to our banquet tonight. I hate banquets. Have I mentioned that? There'll probly be a long rantish-type post about it tomorrow.

In other news, Mom and I got to talk yesterday on the trip, which was very good. It was definitely something we needed to do. We mostly got our issues resolved, I think. We also got some other things done, which was really nice.

Otherwise, not much has changed here. Kate's still telling people nasty things about me. I don't know that I really expected differently...

Random Quote: "Some people say that I must be a terrible person, but it’s not true. I have the heart of a young boy in a jar on my desk" -Stephen King


  • At 5/11/2005 12:06 pm, Blogger Logan C. Adams said…

    Maybe a direct, honest confrontation with Kate is needed. Either that, or threaten to spread embarrassing pictures of her on the internet.

  • At 5/11/2005 9:21 pm, Blogger Mela said…

    I've already had a fairly direct confrontation with Kate. Several of them, really, culminating in my sending her a letter telling her that I don't have the time, energy, or desire to cultivate a further relationship with her. And now she's telling lies and making nasty comments about me.

  • At 5/11/2005 11:00 pm, Blogger Logan C. Adams said…

    Well, then, that's when you put the embarrassing photos to work. You do have some, don't you?

  • At 5/18/2005 12:40 pm, Blogger Mela said…

    I have Photoshop. And headshots. Does that count??

  • At 5/18/2005 3:36 pm, Blogger Logan C. Adams said…

    You also have that slightly unsharp one of her giving me the finger.


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