My Baby Needs Paint Clothes

We just bought our first home, and now we are working to make it our own!

03 May 2005

Grumble grumble...

So my grandmother had her knee replaced yesterday. Mom said she was doing well and all that. Tori got to talk to her grandma on the phone, and she was sooo excited. ^.^

Tori took a bath last night. A bubble bath. For those of you who have ever had three year olds in your life, a bubble bath is a very exciting event for them. It is a chance to splash and play and have fun whithout having Mom yell at them about getting dirty. Tori definitely had fun. By the time she was done, the only part of the bathroom left to clean was the toilet and the sink...neither of which she could splash on. But the floor is now mostly clean. yay? Then I trimmed her bangs and she let me braid her hair. I should have taken pics, because it was incredibly cute! Not that everything that child does isn't cute...

Well, apparently Kate has decided that Eric, who has thus far refused to take sides in the argument between her and me, is taking my side by not taking hers. Basically, Eric refuses to acknowledge that I didn't try hard enough to make my relationship with Kate work. And he refuses to acknowledge that it's Kate's fault for being a stupid witch. So he is siding with neither of us. But if Kate keeps this up...well, it's curtains for their relationship. As Scott so aptly pointed out, Kate has basically said to Eric, "If you leave me, I'll do everything in my power to hurt you and make you suffer. But I love you." How can she really love him and then not allow him to leave without paying for it? While it is human nature to be selfish, true love overrides those faults; it is completely selfless.

In other news, I'm going to have people over for dinner Wednesday. I really have to clean my apartment. I hate cleaning. Passionately hate it, to be precise. But that's okay... I can work on it tonight.

Quote of the day: My choice early in life was either to be a piano-player in a whorehouse or a politician. And to tell the truth, there's hardly any difference. -- Harry S. Truman


  • At 5/03/2005 3:40 pm, Blogger Mela said…

    Yeah, she did make a beard. And a hat. And she got a unicorn for her birthday so she made a horn, too. It was cute. And then she cried cuz it got in her eyes and her in mouth. Apparently, bubbles taste 'icky'. She's too cute.

    Oh, and she's so excited that you're coming home next week, Scott.


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