My Baby Needs Paint Clothes

We just bought our first home, and now we are working to make it our own!

29 April 2005

Does It Ever End?

Today has been one of those days. It's really been one of those weeks. We've been working on stuff for the lawyers, and I feel like a soggy mess. I've gone through a box (a giant box) of Kleenex in the last week. I should invest in whatever company makes Kleenex. As much as my family goes through these days... I miss her so much. I stumbled across some pics of Barb on the KSUYDs site, as well as some blog entries about her. I just can't deal with it some days, and today looks like one of those days.

We're supposed to have a party for some of our friends who have birthdays over the summer tonight. It should be fun. I'm going to make white chocolate cake and decorate it with pink icing. Yummy.

What the hell is up with this weather? Ten days ago, it was nice, sunny, in the 70's. Now, if it hits 50 we're doing good, and it's cloudy and rainy and gross outside. I don't mind the rain, but it's just drizzly nastiness. A good thunderstorm would be great. I could curl up under a blanket with a book and some tea and read for a couple hours. Or I could sit in a bath tub and read and soak for an hour or so. Ah, the possibilities a lazy evening at home presents!

Micah and I played cards last night. I beat Don - barely. He hit 40 honor, and I had to gain 11 to win with 48 honor. I managed to gain 13, and I could have gained 15, but I forgot to bow for two honor. I'm so blonde on occasion.

Oh, yeah. This is something Scott will get, but I'm excited about it so I'll blab. Barb had a CD with some Latin music she liked, and Scott and I couldn't figure out who it was. So...I found a CD we had made with this artist on it, and I was listening to it and thought "I wonder...if Barb had this music, he is probably fairly popular. So there's a Hispanic lady I work with, and I took the CD in and played the song for her and she knew who it was! Yay! His name is Chayanne. No wonder we couldn't find it in the music files...

Today's random thought "You can destroy a man and not defeat him." Can't remember who said it, though, and I'm too lazy to look it up...


  • At 5/01/2005 9:14 pm, Blogger Mela said…

    mmm...Friday was very relaxing indeed. We had a birthday party for some friends and ate cake and hung out. Micah was there, and so were Sara, Eddie, Caleb, and Jordan, as well as some other friends. We ended up playing 'Happy Water' (NOT a drinking game!) and then trading massages afterwards. It was fun!


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