My Baby Needs Paint Clothes

We just bought our first home, and now we are working to make it our own!

02 May 2005

The Princess Bride

So I let Tori watch the Princess Bride last night. She was absolutely enthralled with it. I can't remember the last time she watched a movie from start to finish without running off and getting bored. But she did it! She watched it all the way through. During the fight scene in the Fire Swamp (with the ROUS's), she was very upset and worried about Westley and had to come sit on my lap. It was sooo cute. But she liked it and wanted to watch it again after it was over, but it was bedtime and I wouldn't let her. So she threw a fit. Apparently she liked the movie.

Her pink-eye has returned. She got off her medicine on Wednesday, and her eyes are all goopy again and she's complaining that they hurt. Poor kid. I'm going to call the doctor and see if they'll just fax a prescription in and not have her come in again. The problem being that they prescribed medicine, but the next day she had it in both eyes and there wasn't really enough to treat both eyes, there was only enough to treat one eye. Gah. I hate holding.

I get to have lunch with Sara and Caleb and Micah today. Yay! That should be fun. Micah and I had dinner with Sara and Eddie last night, and another friend, Ethan, as well. It was sooo yummy. We're going to get together on Wednesday at my house. Good excuse to clean up my apartment, huh? I'm not sure what we're going to make yet, but I'm sure I'll think of something yummy...

On a more humorous note, my cat is stupid. I had opened the windows on Saturday night and then Sunday when I got up I closed them before I showered. Well, Tonic was doing that crazy dart around like mad thing that cats do, and he came running into the bathroom and leapt up straight into the window, which was now closed. I laughed at him, and he ran off, and after I showered he avoided me for over ten minutes (until I fed them, when he became my best friend). Then, a few minutes after Tonic had performed his leap into the window, Gin came running in and jumped into the shower with me before she realized the water was running! She then proceeded to act like I had intentionally injured her. Silly cats...

Random quote of the day: "There are easier things to do then understand women, like nailing water to a tree"-Kombucha


  • At 5/03/2005 8:49 am, Blogger Mela said…

    mmm...that does sound good...and I have chicken. I bet I could get Sara and Eddie to bring some cheese and ham...what else do I need?


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