My Baby Needs Paint Clothes

We just bought our first home, and now we are working to make it our own!

07 May 2005

Banquets Suck

Yeah, that's right. Banquets suck. Especially Student Publications banquets. Especially when they tell you to dress 'semi formal' and the dress code is actually 'very casual'. Sarah Rice, this semester's editor-in-chief, wore a very short jean skirt (if it had been any shorter we'd have had some serious butt cheek viewing) and a tight blue tank top that highlighted of assets. Her current hair style also highlights the fact that she has a very small, triangular shaped, evil looking face. Maybe that's just me though. Any way...they gave her like four awards, which stank, since last semester she caused almost all of the discension she supposedly solved this semester. Basically, though, the whole thing seemed like a great big sorority party. I bet there was more than one Greek involved in the planning.

Anyway, the evening culminated in the spub people awarding Barb some sort of 'impact' award for the impact she had on the people she had at the Collegian. Too bad Sarah forgot to clap. Or smile. Or act like she thought that Barb deserved such an honor... Okay, I'm seriously done picking on Barb's small-breasted nemesis. I was touched that they awarded Barb anything at all.

We're planning a banquet for Gear Up next week. That also sucks. I'm tired of banquets. I hate planning the stupid things. I hate going to them. It's just agonizing weeks of planning culminating in a two hour pat-ourselves-on-the-back fest. I can't wait for this stupid thing to be over and done with. I wish I was independently wealthy so I could quit my job to go back to school. Never going to happen, but it's still a nice wish...

In other news, I'm exhausted. Who knew that sleep could be so hard to come by? I've not slept well at all in the last week. Definitely stress. I've been bitched out at work (in front of others, no less), I stayed up way too late one night (my own fault, but the best couple hours of sleep I've gotten lately), we had this stupid Spub banquet last night, we have the gear up banquet next week, and graduation next Saturday. Also, Robbie is an asshole. He seems to think that because he has finals and wants to go to work parties and pretend to study, he doesn't have to have Tori. While I'm looking forward to having a set visitation schedule when (and if) he gets a different job, I'm more than a little frustrated with his inability to make his daughter a priority in his life. If I want to go out, I make plans for the nights I don't have Tori. If I want to go out on the nights I have her, I don't just call him and dump her on him, as he does to me. I make plans for someone else (usually my mom) to watch her. I think I'm going to send him an e-mail and tell him that since school is over, he needs to get on a set schedule at Chipotle so I know when he is going to have Tori. I just hate being bitchy when Tori might lose out because of my 'tude. But I also feel that Robbie needs to step up and take responsibility for his daughter. I am quite certain I wasn't the only one involved in her conception (although Robbie has accused me of getting pregnant on purpose), but he acts like I was. He refuses to be responsible and make sacrifices. He claims he's sacrificed, but what has he honestly given up? Free time? Not really. If he doesn't feel like having her he just lies to me about when he has to work. School? Nope, looks like he's actually graduating, instead of flunking out like he would have before we moved in together. I just don't see that he has this child as much as he possibly can, or that he even wants to have her at all. If I tell him I am going to Minnesota with her for the weekend, do you think he makes arrangements to have her earlier in the week? Nope. He just doesn't have her. He's a self-centered ass. I can be too at times I guess. Okay, I'm done bitching. I'm so tired of putting up with Robbie's crap. I wonder if he is really going to try for custody of Tori?

Random Quote of the Day: "Always do the right thing. This will gratify some people and astonish the rest." Mark Twain


  • At 5/07/2005 3:29 pm, Blogger Logan C. Adams said…

    I hear ya on all issues of the Spub dinner. And I showed up in a suit to find everyone dressed up Hawaiian.

  • At 5/09/2005 9:39 am, Blogger Mela said…

    Probly slowly cut off/lose all contact with Tori; see her as little as possible, etc.

    And yeah, the Spub dinner was a huge fiasco as far as I was concerned. And Sarah Rice is still a bitch.


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