My Baby Needs Paint Clothes

We just bought our first home, and now we are working to make it our own!

08 June 2005

Migraines Suck

Yes, folks, that's right. Migraines are teh suck. I had one last night, and maxed out my migraine pills (it started about 4, and I didn't have my pills here, so I took two - which is allowed - at 5 as soon as I got off, and then one each hour for another four hours, for a maximum of six in a 24 hour period) before I went to bed. And I woke up with it this morning, and I'm technically not supposed to take more, but I took one anyway because the Excedrin Migraine I took at 6:15 wasn't helping anymore (at 8:15 after I got to work) and now I'm all woozy and sleepy. My arms feel very heavy and all that. But the headache has retreated for now, although it is not completely gone and I'm still slightly motion sick if I get up and walk around or move my head too quickly. And I'm also slightly hyper. All in all, it's a rather nasty combination.

In other news, my friend had her twins. A boy and a girl and cute as buttons, I'm sure, though I haven't seen them yet. I'm going to go visit after work today, and then I'm going to take her two older boys to the pool for an hour or two. Should be fun... Of course, it could be the stupidest thing I've done in a long while.


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