My Baby Needs Paint Clothes

We just bought our first home, and now we are working to make it our own!

01 June 2005

An Apology... all my devoted readers (both of you) for not updating recently. I have, unfortunately, had the weekend from hell.

My weekend started as most weekends do: on Friday, with me looking forward to 5 (except I was getting off at 4). I was planning to attend my cousin's graduation in Minnesota, and Mom wanted to leave at about 5. At 2:30, the sitter called. Tori, she says, has a fever. 102.3. She's asleep, when do I want to come get her? way can I leave before 4, so I call Mom. She can get Tori at 3:30 and she'll meet me for the 4 pm doctor's appt. So we go to the doctor. Tori's kitty is rather wet, as is her shirt and shorts. Apparently, Mom had just got her settled in the exam room when she puked all over. About ten minutes after I show up, she pukes again. The doctor sees her and she has stomach flu. Scratch one trip to Minnesota. She threw up on and off all night. And woke up fussing once. I think I got about two hours of sleep. Saturday, she woke up and puked some more. She finally started feeling better after her nap, about 6:30 on Saturday. At this point, I've had no sleep (I tried to nap with her, but I got twelve (yes, twelve!) telemarketer calls in two point five hours. And I couldn't find the portable phone to turn the ringer off, so every time it rang it woke me up (it was, apparently, under the bath tub, and no, I don't know how it got there). I also had two wrong numbers and one correct number on my cell phone, but they'd dialed me on accident and didn't actually want to talk to me. u.u;; I was, in short, in a rather gritchy mood.

And from there, the weekend got worse. Sunday sucked. Tori still wasn't feeling the greatest, although she was better, thank heavens. She wanted nothing more than to argue and scream at me. Monday we spent mostly at my mom's. We borrowed the van to bring some stuff from my house back to Mom's, and the battery was dead. So we jumped it, drove around for 20 minutes or so, and loaded up my stuff. I get Tori buckled in, and the damn thing's dead again! I was not a happy person. So I call Micah, who is still in bed, and tell him to go back to sleep, never mind. I ended up calling AAA, and their guy took over 30 minutes to get there, all of which were spent with Tori throwing a fit and wanting to go back to Grandma's. She finally took a nap while I did laundry and cleaned out my storage-type-room in the basement and put everything back so the door closes.

At least yesterday was better. I only ended up staying an extra two hours at work, instead of the four I was expecting, and Bob told me the only other time they think they'll want me there is next Friday for the trip. Maybe, with that. Also, I got a raise, effective today. ^.^ Of a whopping .$25. But hey, it's a raise, right? And it will help (very very slightly) to offset the whopping pay cut I'm going to take in August when I go back to school. w00t!


  • At 6/02/2005 7:07 am, Blogger Logan C. Adams said…

    My goodness, I knew Tori was sick but I didn't know it was that bad. I hope this does not happen again.

  • At 6/02/2005 9:40 am, Blogger Mela said…

    Yeah, me too. At least not for a year or too. I'm just glad it was over the weekend, so I didn't have to take time off work for that. But then again, I'd almost rather it had been during the week, because it totally ruined my weekend. Bottom line: sick kids ruin your day, no matter what part of the week they're sick.


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