My Baby Needs Paint Clothes

We just bought our first home, and now we are working to make it our own!

07 September 2005

School, and Birthdays!

We got back from Otakon just in time for school to start again. w00t. Thus far, my classes have been okay. Not bad, just okay. Except for Expository Writing...the teacher is rather confusing; that is, she is often overly verbose or vague, and it makes it hard to get the point. We have a paper due today, and I have no idea about it. I'm seriously thinking of using my one late paper on it, but I don't want to really. As soon as I get off, I'm headed for the library to finish it. Bleh.

My US Politics class and Intro to Comparative Politics class are both interesting thus far. The books, on the other hand...put me out cold. Which is not happy at all. It could be worse, I suppose. But it still sucks.

I am really liking my Japanese class, though. I'm learning (amazingly enough) quite quickly and pretty easily. The teacher is a sweetheart. So...yeah.

Birthday! Mom ... celebrated the 23rd anniversary of her 21st birthday on Friday. She went with a friend to a Willie Nelson concert. Apparently, she enjoyed it. All of us, however, forgot. Well, we didn't really forget. But she thought we did. On Sunday, Scott was home and we had a few people over for dinner and had cake and ice cream. Apparently, Mom thought that was her party. Whatever. We are such good children. On Monday evening, we invited a crap-ton of people over (like...30) to surprise her. Danita - one of her friends - took her out to dinner, and when she got back there were at least 25 people there. We managed to get her in the house before she realized, and she was shocked. She cried a little. <3 Steven totally planned the party and invited everyone - he even went so far as to go by the houses of a few people when he couldn't find their numbers - and all I had to do was get cake (cheesecake, Mom's fave, supposedly). So, hats off to our new master party planner. w00t!

However, I am now sick. I have a cold, and I lay the blame right where it belongs - on Rita. She was sick last week, and then came and sat next to me during one of our classes. Now I'm sick. Damn it. Ah well. It could be worse, I suppose. Micah's sick too, and he's got it worse than I do. Happy thoughts for both of us to get better soon, please.


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